Author: Giulia Farina (Giulia Farina)

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Falstaff is coming!

Falstaff is coming!

For the 2024/25 Season, Giuseppe Verdi’s second opera buffa, Falstaff, will take center stage! Arrigo Boito’s libretto was taken from Shakespeare’s The Merry Wives of Windsor, and some passages were also taken from Henry IV, the historical drama in which the figure of Sir John Falstaff first appeared. As some will recall, this is not...


Turandot. Enimi al museo – Opera family 6-14 anni

Turandot. Enigmi al museo da Turandot. Musica di G. Puccini Libretto di Giuseppe Adami e Renato Simoni Regia Andrea Bernard Direttore Sieva Borzak con Cantanti vincitori e finalisti delle ultime edizioni del Concorso AsLiCo Orchestra 1813 Opera domani XXVIII edizione Prima rappresentazione, Como Teatro Sociale 14 febbraio 2024 Durata spettacolo: 70 minuti NOTE DI REGIA Turandot è una favola che ci porta a...

Turandot is on its way!

Turandot is on its way!

Blare of trumpets, roll of drums: it’s time for an announcement! As many will know, the title that will lead our projects next year is Giacomo Puccini’s Turandot.

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