One, two, three… Turandot!

Opera baby – IX edition

In the school year 2023/2024, and in commemoration of the centenary of the composer’s death, Opera Baby presents for its 9th edition the title role of Turandot, Giacomo Puccini’s opera reimagined and adapted for an audience aged 6 to 36 months in nursery schools.

Manifesto Opera baby - Turandot

One, two, three… Turandot!

Musical performance with two performers
Loosely inspired by Turandot by G. Puccini
Musical dramaturgy by Anna Pedrazzini
Directed by Sara Zanobbio
Set and costumes by Cantieri del Teatro – Como Produced by AsLiCo

First performance: Como Teatro Sociale on March 16, 2024
Duration of the performance: 40 minutes

The performance

What a great mountain of boxes! How many locks, strings, and padlocks… What could possibly be hidden behind there? One foot… two hands… three musical notes… one eye… two lips… three riddles to solve by dawn. Are you in there, Turandot? Calaf is looking for you. Are you absolutely sure you don’t want to come out?

1…2…3… Look at your wings, Turandot. Your cocoon is just a moment, a before, which will soon turn into a butterfly. Don’t be afraid.

Educational content

Turandot is an opera with a strong dramatic impact, complex in all its aspects, a long and dark night, as if dawn were never to come. Turandot herself is the creator of this environment, setting the rules and at the same time remaining imprisoned by them. Just like children love to do, Turandot has built her own den.

The problem is that our Turandot has no intention of leaving her den. She has sealed it tightly, stacked many boxes, and filled them with locks, strings, and padlocks. Inside, she feels safe, but what about outside? She feels free now, but what about later? Change, transformation, are things so mysterious that they make her “scared to death.” To explore this transition from before to after, similar to the transition from the nest to preschool, we will witness the transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly, passing through the cocoon.

So, how will Turandot overcome this long night and become a beautiful butterfly? It’s fortunate that in this story, there is also Calaf: as stubborn as Turandot, a champion of riddles and puzzles, and capable, with his kindness and a bit of courage, of giving her the necessary time.”


Having Fun with Puccini – Guidelines for Educational Activities for 6-36 months.

The calendar may be subject to date changes.

The Management reserves the right to make modifications to the season’s program due to technical requirements or force majeure.


One, Two, Three… Turandot! – Schedule of Performances for the IX Edition.
City Teathre School performances Time Family performances
Como Teatro Sociale 25 marzo 2024 9.15 – 10.30 16 marzo, ore 15.30 e 17.00

17 marzo, ore 10.30, 15.30 e 17.00

Milano Teatro Franco Parenti 22 marzo 2024 9.30 – 10.30 23 marzo, ore 10.30, 16.00 e 17.30
Varese Salone Estense 26 marzo 2024 9.30 – 10.30
Rho* Teatro Civico A breve disponibile
Palermo* Teatro Massimo A breve disponibile


Watch the trailer of the latest edition