Opera meno9

From 2017

This project is entirely dedicated to expectant families: to mothers, partners and their babies on the way. A three sessions program will accompany the discovery of one’s voice, enhancing music as a tool for relaxation, union and growth.

Opera meno9 is proposed in different periods of the year to respect as much as possible the indicated pregnancy period, and is overseen by musicians and professionals specialized in musicality for early childhood.

Upon completion of the program and with the wish of a long life full of music, we invite the participating couples and the newborn to the Opera baby show, a few months later.

The Provincial Order of Surgeons and Dentists of Como is pleased to grant free patronage for the VI edition of the Opera meno9 project.

Dear new parents, here is a musical project dedicated precisely to you and your special expectation. Opera meno9 is part of the magical world of Opera Education performance projects, which aim to educate and raise children and families accompanied by music. It is a format created by AsLiCo in 2016 in collaboration with our music therapy expert, Dr Elisa Torri.

Our goals:
  • To help the parental couple during pregnancy and to develop better communication with the partner and baby before and after birth;
  • To offer the pregnant woman, through the work on singing, breathing and posture, a useful and remarkable comfort by reducing stress and favoring the start of a relationship based on the mother’s and baby’s well-being;
  • To help explore and express your own sound identity, to have knowledge and confidence in your own voice by experiencing a new way of perceiving, listening and interacting through the voice itself and music;
  • Encouraging the subjective search for harmonies and sounds that give well-being.
How is the workshop structured?

The Opera meno9 programme includes three workshop meetings in comfortable spaces, in order to propose activities of musical listening, vocal experimentation and confrontation. Mothers and any accompanying persons can participate in one meeting or in the complete course:

  1. a prenatal breathing, vocalisation and singing training aimed at emotional tuning and sharing the latest scientific evidence on the benefits of listening for the mother and baby still in the belly;
  2. a guided classical music concert offering interesting listening activities to repeat at home and a magical experience in contact with the cello and its vibrations;
  3. a music and movement workshop with practical tips for playing with music in the family from the time of pregnancy and especially in the first six months of life.

When is it best suitable to attend the workshop?

The course is recommended from the fifth to the eighth month of pregnancy, when it is scientifically proven that the fetus begins to perceive and react to sounds coming from outside. Replaying the sounds perceived during gestation – especially the parents’ voices – after birth produces relaxing effects, intensifies the auditory bond with the baby and favors vocal identification. All you have to do is come and try the experience in one of the locations where we organize tours: Teatro Sociale in Como, Teatro Regio in Parma, Teatro Comunale in Vicenza and Teatro Franco Parenti in Milan. We are always open to new experiences and to bring the journey in new cities!

And after Opera meno9? We look forward to seeing you at the theatre with your child to see the first opera-inspired show for children from 6 to 36 months, Opera baby!

For more useful materials, please visit the Italian page.

For more information on the next workshops please visit the Italian page.

Watch the trailer: