Partners & Sponsors

In addition to the usual invaluable support from institutions such as the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage, MIUR, the Lombardy Region and Fondazione Cariplo, the presence of scientific and technical partners allows us to set up and carry out the immense work behind the tours of each project, and the sponsorships allow us to shout loudly, “Hurray for opera!”


The Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca contributes to Opera Education platform by providing scientific support for the research and definition of a shared didactic-educational paradigm among the different trainers of the musical projects: they are carried out in schools, through the elaboration of didactic proposals that encourage students’ participation and protagonism. Bicocca is also a partner in the Opera and Early Childhood Education: Building European Awareness through Music in Pandemic Times project, promoted by the European Union’s Erasmus+ program, of which Opera kids is the subject of study and development.


Nati per la musica (Born for Music), a program promoted by the Cultural Association of Pediatricians and the Center for Child Health, is a scientific partner of Opera Education alongside the activities of the Opera baby project. The purpose of the collaboration is to raise the awareness of parents and educators about the importance of sound expression and musical practice in the growth of the person; it also aims to provide guidance and stimuli on how to propose music in a non-occasional way by promoting opportunities for the dissemination of music in childhood.


Acquaprofonda – Civic Opera domani inaugurates the collaboration between Opera Education and Legambiente. The agreement consists of the proposal of workshop activities, in-depth opportunities and community civic action days for audiences of all ages: these occasions wants to put into practice the values of awareness of the environmental impact that everyone’s actions have, values of which Legambiente and the Acquaprofonda opera are bearers.


UNICEF Convention on the Rights of the Child and Adolescent is a fundamental reference for Opera Education’s work. With the performance Il guardiano e il buffone. Or Rigoletto (who laughs and cries), we had the opportunity to highlight Article 31 of the Convention, which deals with the right to play; with Acquaprofonda, the theme of the right of children and adolescents to have clean water and the problems this lack still creates in the world today was explored.


SIMILE, Information System for the Integrated Monitoring of Insubric Lakes and their Ecosystems – Milan Polytechnic Foundation, collaborates with Opera Education in relation to content and in-depth activities on the topic of water pollution presented by Acquaprofonda – Civic Opera domani. The “Citizen Science” participatory approach proposed by SIMILE intends to involve citizens, agencies, associations and other stakeholders interested in the topic of water management so that they can contribute to the formalization of new guidelines to cope with the challenges that the lake ecosystem will have to sustain in the future.


Fondazione Alessandro Volta works with local proximity actions to generate an effective and concrete benefit to the citizens of Como, promoting the value of civitas as a tool for the growth of human capital through cultural and educational activities. The collaboration with Opera Education takes concrete form in the production of scientific content for the Acquaprofonda project and the organization of events in the city area to raise awareness of environmental issues.


Opera Education On Demand, conceived by AsLiCo and promoted by AGIS, Associazione Generale Italiana dello Spettacolo, in collaboration with Fondazione Toscana Spettacolo onlus and Toscana Federvivo, was presented in 2021. The project, created during the pandemic crisis, aims to bring the world of schools closer to the world of theater and opera through the support of technology. The collaboration with AGIS was started in the Tuscany Region, with the goal of expanding nationwide.

Il Parto Positivo – BabyBrains

From 2021, the Opera meno9 project dedicated to pregnant families will be enriched by the educational contribution of Baby Brains – The fun side of science, an international multidisciplinary group that works for the empowerment of parents and helps children realize their potential through workshops approved by the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Cambridge. The prenatal approach to music workshop is supplemented by Il Parto Positivo program, whose goal is to convey scientific content on prenatal brain development in a playful way.

  • The educational work on opera offers the opportunity to talk to young people about important issues, and the edition of Carmen also offered the chance to address with children and young people the very sensitive issue of violence together with ActionAid Italia, which works to prevent domestic violence and combat gender stereotypes.
  • The Civica Scuola di Cinema Luchino Visconti is one of Milan’s historic schools and among the best known in Italy in the audiovisual sector. It meets the demand for artistic and professional training of all the main auteur and technical roles in the audiovisual industry on a national and international level, while carrying on the function of “civic school” for which it was created, offering basic and continuing education courses as a service to the territory and the community. Its mission is to support, develop and enhance the artistic, creative and self-entrepreneurial skills of young students in order to contribute to the establishment of a generation of high quality authors, filmmakers, artists and technicians with a solid professional profile. For this reason, united by a common mission, they have collaborated for several editions on the Opera domani project, to produce the official videos of our shows and bring opera theater to the screens as well, supporting the field experience of the School’s young directors.
  • DHL Express Italy made its industrial solutions available to us, joining our national network to get educational materials into the hands of all children and their teachers to prepare for their adventure in the theater!
  • In 2017 the collaboration with Bennet was born, which through the School Project gives public and private peer primary and secondary schools the opportunity to apply for the latest school supplies, training paths and educational projects as prizes. Bennet has grasped the deep cultural and educational value of our initiative, aimed at bringing children closer to opera, and has decided to support it concretely by offering schools the opportunity to apply for free tickets and educational paths, through the collection of shopping points on the Bennet club card.